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Elul - A Month of Communal Prayer

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Elul - A Month of Communal Prayer. Walking into the new year - together.

There is comfort and power that comes from praying as a collective. The concept of tefillah b’tzibbur, collective prayer, is ancient. The impact of praying in community is significant.

This year, our Rosh Hashana will feel different. Many of us will not feel that same sense of togetherness that we remember from years past. Ironically, in a year when we need each other more than ever. Click here for more details.

We invite you to share your personal prayer here. We invite you to share what you’re holding — whatever you might be praying for, hoping for, frustrated about, grateful for. Let us hold it with you. And — in return — we ask you to hold the prayers of our powerful community of women* as well.

Let us walk into the new year praying together. Praying for each other. Holding each other.

Please use this space as often as you need. Share one prayer, or twenty. Share your name, or not.

But let us use this month to make sure we all walk into the new year — and whatever it may hold — together.

*As always, SVIVAH welcomes anyone who wants to be included in a circle of Jewish women*. If you want to be here, we want you to be here - and welcome.

Take in our collective prayers below.

Communal prayer FB cover.png

“I hope I get to hug my parents again.”

“May there be a vaccine. That works. Soon.”

“May this baby be healthy and not be absorbing all the stress it is growing under.”

“May this be the year I become a parent.”

“I pray that my parents live through this — so that they can spend the end of their lives living joyfully, instead of prisoners in their home. They deserve a year of joy. I pray this is a year of joy for us all.”

“Praying for peace for all.'“

“May we all survive with minimal trauma.”

“I’m praying that my cousin’s breast cancer goes into remission and her chemo treatments are smooth.”

“I pray for an easier year for my child. This is so hard on him.” - R

“To get to the other side. Okay. Alive. Here.”

“I hope I get to see my grandson again.” - H.K.

“That the memories of all those we’ve lost these past months actually be for a blessing. May their loss not have been for nothing.”

“That I found myself again.” - E

“That clarity is the gift of this year. So much clarity. To see what was clearly in order to make choices about how to move forward confidently.” — S

“I pray that my children find happiness and joy.”

“My nephew needs a cure. My sister needs strength.”

“May this year show us all how strong we are. And allow us to take strength from each other.”

“Pray for my husband. He needs healing. Soon.”

“I would love to have others pray for me to find my way.” - J

“Please pray for my father. That his cancer disappear. And my mother stay strong.”

"Praying for peace for all. " - R.M.

"I pray to be able to see this year as a blessing next Rosh Hashanah." -- E

“Let happiness find its way through! I’m getting married this year - send your blessings!”

“I’m praying to find my bashert! May he look cute in a mask!!”

“Praying that this is the year I become a mom.” - S


SVIVAH is dependent on the generosity of those who choose to invest in a powerful community of women.

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