HerTorah: Hag HaBanot Resources

β€œTismach Kalati” β€” a blessing for our new bat mitzvahs sung by Rabbi Gabai

Connect with our fantastic scholars here:

Rabbi Tsipora Gabai rebtsip@gmail.com

Maharat Victoria Sutton maharatvictoria@gmail.com

Tamar Zaken tzaken@yahoo.com


β€œWomens Misheh’beirach” β€” a blessing in honor of women*

Lalla Suleikah

Lalla Suleikah

With gratitude to JIMENA, Aviv Foundation, Maharat, HaLuz Ha’Ivri for their help in crafting this gathering.

"A Flower Blooms in India":  Taught by Maharat Victoria Sutton

Equally at home in the boardroom, lecture hall and salon, Farha (Flora) Sassoon led a remarkable life from Bombay to England. In this session, we will celebrate her life and scholarship. Click here for Maharat Sutton’s slideshow

Flora (Farha) Sassoon at Sotheby’s β€” click to read more about the incredible story Maharat Victoria Sutton shared

"Devoted to Torah":  Taught by Tamar Zaken

Although we may think that the first women Rabbis emerged in the Europe and the United States, there were learned women who ran Houses of Learning and devoted their lives to torah study, Jewish communal development, and Jewish legal ruling in the Arab and Muslim worlds. In this session, we will meet two of these women, Asenath Barzani (1590–1670) of Kurdistan, and an unnamed young woman in 18th century Algiers who does not marry and instead devotes her life to Torah study. We will conclude with a personal story connected to Ben Azai (who is referred to in relation to the Virgin from Algeria). 

Tamar Zaken’s Padlet Link on β€œWomen* Who Inspire Us With Their Teaching” β€” click to see more and feel free to continue to contribute

"The Legends of Lalla Suleika":  Taught by Rabbi Tsipi Gabai 

Lalla Suleika Hatzadeket was a beautiful Jewish woman who lived 200 years ago and is famous among Moroccan Jews and Arabs for her martyrdom. Rabbi Gabai will also speak about her grandmother Yamena Marduch who was a medicine woman and a healer for Jews and Arabs.

Join us at our next HerTorah gathering! Visit www.svivah.org/happenings!