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Walking Into Elul with Broken + Prayerful Hearts

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Walking Into Elul

With Broken + Prayerful Hearts

With Rabbanit Dalia Davis, Rabbanit Aliza Sperling, Dr. Ravital Korn, Naama Sadan, Rabbi Ilana Zietman

The month of Elul is here. The month of spiritual preparation before the high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

And we find ourselves in mourning, again. Trying to find the words to pray.

Our hearts are filled with sorrow. And yet, we have to find a way to not despair.

Can we find the words, the cries, the tears that need to be called out together?

Join us for a moment of song, prayer, mourning… and the call of the shofar.

Let’s seek comfort in each other’s company.

Please invite someone you think might want to be with us, too.

This gathering welcomes women* 12+ and learners of all backgrounds.

SVIVAH is dependent on the generosity of those who choose to invest in a powerful community of women. As always, cost should never be a barrier to anything SVIVAH, but if you can, please help us show respect to our speakers/facilitators for their time and expertise.

Questions about ZOOM or about this gathering? Email

*SVIVAH defines "Jewish woman" as anyone wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women. If you want to be here, we want you to be here.

August 13

Sitting Together on Tisha b’Av

September 4

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